See your bank account’s future

Predict, manage, and optimize your personal cash flow.

What is CashWizard?

Your bank account only shows you what already happened - CashWizard lets you see the future too. So you can be confident you’ll always have enough cash, plan for shortfalls, and move surpluses to high-yield savings and investments.

Connect Your Bank

Bring your bank, any bank - connect your primary checking account to CashWizard to get started.

Forecast Cash Flow

CashWizard predicts your future income and expenses based on past paychecks and bills.

Update Automatically

Whenever a new bill is published, CashWizard automatically updates its estimate with the actual “pay in full” amount due.

Adjust as Needed

Expecting a bonus? Have a one-time expense coming up, or know your next credit card bill be less than usual? No problem, just tell CashWizard.

Is CashWizard for me?

CashWizard is for you if all or most of the following resonates with you:

You do nearly all of your spending on credit cards, not your debit card.

You use your primary bank account to direct deposit (at least part of) your paycheck, pay your credit card and other bills, fund peer-to-peer payments (such as Venmo), occasionally get cash from ATMs, and not too much else.

You’re looking for an easy, highly automated way to forecast the Running Balance in your primary bank account.

Typically this is the checking account (or other type of bank account) you pay all or most of your bills from. You might use, or want to use, auto-pay for your bills but would like peace of mind that you’ll have enough cash in your account to cover them.

You want to save and invest as much as possible.

While being confident you’ll still have enough cash to pay all your bills in full every month.

You’re comfortable linking your financial data to CashWizard using providers like Plaid.

Data-sharing isn’t required, strictly speaking, but you may find CashWizard more useful if it automatically updates your bank transactions, balances, and bill amounts. Otherwise, you can make these updates manually.

You’re NOT looking for a budgeting tool.

We get it - you trust yourself to spend your money appropriately, and don’t need an app yelling at you if you dined out at restaurants “too many” times last month. Not everyone needs a budget.

You’re NOT looking to track your net worth.

We agree, there are other great tools for this already. Use those! CashWizard is for those who prefer to think about their day-to-day “operating” financial activity separately from their “wealth building” investments.