Introducing CashWizard


Welcome to CashWizard, a new tool and method to manage your personal finances. If you’ve ever wondered how much cash you’ll have in your checking account tomorrow, next week, or even next month, you’re in the right place. CashWizard provides an accurate, intuitive system for personal cash flow forecasting, helping you confidently navigate your financial future.

CashWizard predicts and tracks every upcoming credit and debit to your checking account, so you can see what your balance in that bank account is going to be out into the future. CashWizard is a new type of Personal Financial Management tool that is entirely focused on this personal cash flow forecasting. We’re obsessed with making it as easy as possible to be confident you will have enough cash to pay all your bills, without keeping more funds in your checking account than you need to.

We believe that paying all your bills in full every month is the foundation of a healthy financial life. To do this, you need to have enough cash coming in from your paycheck or other income source to cover them, and you also need to understand and plan for the timing of when money is coming in and out of your account. That’s what CashWizard does, by enabling you to manage recurring Income (like paychecks), recurring Bills (like rent or credit cards), other Recurring Transfers, and to add one-time transactions too. Combining those elements with your actual transaction history, CashWizard allows you to see your bank account’s past, present, and future in one consolidated view.

CashWizard refers to the money in your primary checking account as “Operating Cash.” This is the income you earn, and the money you need to live your life. You don’t want your Operating Cash to dip below $0 (or the minimum balance required by your bank), or else you’re at risk of overdrafting, incurring unnecessary fees, missing payments, defaulting on loans or rent, and all sorts of other financially bad stuff.

At the same time, keeping more Operating Cash around than you really need isn’t ideal either. To build wealth over time, you’ll need to save and invest surplus income - for example into the stock market - not let it just sit in cash that’s not earning you much, if any, interest. Your goal should be to keep just enough cash around as you need, and do something more productive with the rest of your money. For many, building up a “Cash Reserve”, such as in a high yield savings account, is a great next step. These funds are your emergency savings - not normally needed, but still there if you need them in case of a disruption to your income or an abnormally expensive month. Your Cash Reserve is like a variance-smoothing buffer layer for your investments, protecting them and allowing them to compound over time by reducing the chance you’ll need to tap into them to make up for a cash shortfall.

CashWizard’s purpose is to make it easier to play this cash management game that nearly everyone must. The more clearly you can see the future of your Operating Cash, the better you can identify opportunities to get more of your money into savings and investments and plan ahead of any expected shortfalls to meet them in the best way you can.

Other personal finance apps are over-complicated with extensive budgeting features, transaction categorization, net worth tracking features, and more. They ask you to do quite a lot of work to keep them accurate and useful. If that’s what you’re looking for, great - give them a try! But if you don’t want or need an app to keep track of how much you’re spending on restaurants versus airfare, trust yourself to make the spending decisions you want to make to live your life, and just want an easier way to clearly see what your cash levels will look like over the next few months, then CashWizard is for you. We’re not here to judge your spending or tell you how much you spent on coffee - we care about helping you pay your credit card bill, not what’s in it.

We hope that CashWizard will save you time while empowering you to reach your financial goals by anticipating and avoiding cash shortfalls and giving you the confidence to save and invest as much as you can. Thanks for giving us a try!